
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Before the Dawn

Well, I haven't really followed the card previews nor read any information about the new themes and such. First I find the themes rather silly. Why should someone announce what will be playable and what the victory condition will be? Ok, after seeing a stronghold of a certain clan you can clearly say what to use it for but still...Second the game drives me crazy as usual. People say that it is because it is too difficult, but well is that the reason? I went to a big tournament with Dragon LSC Honor and played against 5 dishonor decks (4 scorpion, 1 crane). There were two more I could encounter but no I rather played against Breeder and goddamn Crab (of course those that can kill honor decks easily). Let's say that I was really upset and later furious about this. No sideboard, no real chance of winning a game...
Third - I'm still not convinced about the consistency of a deck in L5R. In my last tournament I got 2:2 but that was mainly because I couldn't concentrate and I felt like fainting any minute. In this state I hardly manage to do anything and playing a game that requires thinking is an overkill.


Lately I build a Crane Dishonor. You might remember that I build few crane honor decks and in the end it ended up being straight dishonor. I decided to merge the last two versions of my crane decks and create one deck out of it. Now it is supposed to be a dishonor but it gains honor pretty fast. In the meantime I have some fun with Dragon Monk Enlightenment that can pull out a military victory (earlier it was military that could win by honor victory and having three rings in play - even void).

Now Before the Dawn is out and I don't even have an idea what cards I would want. I opened few boosters and I have to say the contents of the booster don't really do anything with me (ok, not sure how to describe that). Well, opening New Phyrexia booster and having Karn there that's something I understand. But BtD booster? Oh man...anyway I should start doing my homework and see what cards seem to be good or might get good in the future. I'll note few cards that caught my eye.

My comments about certain cards from BtD follow. What follows is my opinion and you can disagree with it, it is also centered more on decks and cards I like so even if I find certain cards good but I'm not likely to play them they are not listed here.
That's probably it for my 'homework'. I did not post images nor the game text, if you don't know the cards please go look them up.

A Gentle Word
I like this card. It has a great ability I would say and has a nice focus. This card will most probably be a good defense against Dishonor decks (it is limited though to decks running Magistrates) but it is a card that I would play in honor deck that dishonors personalities (legendary feud) and kills via duels for example (4FV). It's not peaceful discourse to help you defend but still two honor gain out of nowhere seems good to me.

Thoughts of Wind
In my last booster I opened this card. I first checked if it is a Kiho card ... as last time when I saw a card that from my point of view was Kiho it wasn't a kiho card. Anyway it has Elemental keyword, Kiho keyword and gives cavalry and +4 if you have a ring. I have to say that my monks no matter what it was could put in play 1-3 rings pretty easily. I see this more as a card that is going to be played in offense and rather early. Later it loses its power. And again 4FV.

Of One Instant
Nice picture^^. Anyway I stared at this card for a while and couldn't believe what was written on it. I already have a playset and I have to say that I would love to play it somewhere. Giving your duelist a tactician keyword means +4F most of the time and if the card is played from hand it can give you even bigger bonus. If played in honor this can also be used against dishonor. If honor victory won't work switching to military should. Right now Dragon and Crane kind of miss that (oh yeah my crane dishonor already managed to win by military with Shikatsus and Nenkais doing their jobs but doesn't really work well...).

Dismissing the Cur
When I opened this card I felt that this card has to be good. I have no idea if it will but I like it. Just having some personality at a province, bowing someone else elsewhere and DESTROYING a personality (if the PH is lower, but well let's expect the personality be dishonored and if not Crane don't really have problems with PHs ..yeah Battle Maidens are a problem and Lions in the next arc will be as well)??? And 2H gain as well. The only thing that I don't like is FV 2 but well will that matter?

Fury of the Mob
Removal, destroys a unit...all you need is numbers (and nonhuman)

When I held this card in my hand I was like YAY! But then I realized that it has Focus Value of 2 and the goddamn keyword Political. But even with that it is a great card! Both Honor and Dishonor decks will welcome it (at least my crane crazy decks)

Nice Magistrate dishonor REACTION (I know it counts as an action) + opponent's honor loss.

String of Victories
Straightening of my rings in my Dragon Enlightenment is something I missed in many games and the possibility to get back my ring of fire as well. I surely like this card. It also gives you additional action appropriate to the phase which might come handy. At least that's what my monks want.

Fear me!
Good focus (what would you expect when it needs a duelist), send home ability and 2H gain or loss? Sounds good to me.

Forging Destiny
I think this card does not need a comment. Event negation, another ability that comes handy and 4FV. All that the card needs.

Stockpiled Resources
We agreed on that this card won't probably see much play in DGC but Crabs and Unicorn could play it. A similar card is something that I missed in my Unicorn Commanders (I wasn't really a fan of Conscript Troops in the deck for some reason).

Spirit of the Warrior
There are other spirit cards and good ones as well but seeing this one evoked a completely different reaction. DGC commanders always had problems destroying attachments like Rising Sun Blade and such and this is a card that can help solve the problem.

Disgraceful Conduct
ZOMG. It's not an open action but presence-less battle action that can bow a WHOLE unit, so no more things like Strike Quickly + Tatsuhiko. I would rather play Disgraceful conduct.

Necessary Evil
I think this is another card that AV could play. I have no idea where this card would fit, but the ability is good. Even though personalities can move anyway. Still more control decks can most probably handle the movement Anyway it costs some gold and it can be actually quite a lot, so AV is the stronghold for this card.

No Time For Games
This card does not require comment, but well new Reinforce the Gates + dishonor meta.

Control the Board
When I saw -6F and bow, I couldn't believe it. We will see about destroying terrains being useful but the second ability for sure is useful.

Ember's Final Fire
Whoa a force bonus for 0 gold (if the shugenja is fire)? Destroying an attachment for just bowing this card? That sure has to be good!

One Action, Two Strikes
Who would not want two battle actions? And when played in defense with the new "reinforce the gates"... This card for sure can make a difference.

Reckless Rush
Another card that deals with attachments, destroys 0g cards and still does something to naked personalities. Looks great to me.

Hehe, dark virtue that actually DOES something good? I noticed a lot of attachment hate and I understand why there is a card named Near Miss. Oh man how this card will play on my nerves...

Saibankan's Justice
We've already been discussing this card. But still we couldn't decide which of the two 'effects' is better.^^ Great card!

Hm a Unique 'go berserk' weapon. 5/1 that makes the wielder attack each turn and it can negate a movement. This card actually surprised me, I did not expect such a card in L5R.

Hida Defenders
This card seems so odd (well the honor gain is odd that is, it has also high focus value the F to g ratio is good) that it surely has to see play in the future.

Yoritomo Sachina
This beauty is similar to Coffin Queen except that she takes a Personality from play once per game. Looks like we have another AV unique to play. A control personality is a good personality^^.

Yoritomo Tarao
I like him, I think that if used wisely this card can be great. He also has Naval and good force so why not play him?

Yoritomo Zinan
Oh man this guy is just ... overkill. A naval commander, 5F/3C for EIGHT gold??!? o_O And with an ability that DGC just needed to fight Kensai and other heavy attachment decks. How I could miss Mantis previews....(and I call myself Mantis).

Iuchi Yupadi
Is this a joke? Cavalry, force and NAVAL???

Komori Toruko
Hmm a Bat clan personality. When I first saw the card I thought that it could be good in Enlightenment (that does not have monks/shugenjas by default) but who would be playing such enlightenment. Anyway her ability is good and I could imagine her as well in military decks. I like this card but can't place her well anyway. Right now she does not seem to have a place anywhere.

Matsu Kaido
WHUT??? 4/3, +1F while attacking and reduces force to ZERO!?! Is this a joke? The bad thing is that she/he is a hero (samurai and lion clan as well of course.). If it would be paragon....

Akodo Kobi
I haven't opened this one yet, but I remember posting her on the forums (or my L5R site). Anyway...
When Lion clan had a personality with 5 Chi last time? 4/5 for 9G but with great ability. She can be even bigger and is Tactician as well. If a Lion Clan personality is destroyed it comes back ... just like that it comes back to play. o_O. This lady will need protection as she does not trigger her ability. But well cards like duty get reprinted right? (um there's also Iron will - as I remember well that can be used as well - Kobi is a Paragon)

The Great Death
In Czech I would just call it "Obluda" (Monster). No ability but it comes with 3 followers (1F, Undead, Shadowlands, Cavalry!, nonhuman...what more you want?). The card itself has great force and is undead and nonhuman. It seems that the best removal for the beginning of the EE requires nonhuman personalities/followers and here they are! (ok, I know each clan has its won nonhuman personalities)

Daigotsu Bukaro
I don't really care about new Yajinden, but this personality caught my eye. Well yeah, he does not fit anywhere but he is a commander and creates 1F followers. That's not bad. 4/3 for 7g is not either.

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